Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hanging Out with O

O took me to a nursery and a place where they sell pottery, sculptures, and trinkets...we had a lot of fun together. Here are some pictures of some of the things that were there.

There were so many different sculptures and artwork here, some of it was very traditional and antique-looking, while others were more cutesy and created just to make you smile.

A lot of the sculptures I saw that were the most intricate and traditional were religious sculptures, sculptures of gods, guardians, spirits, etc. It seems to me that often we find that some of the most beautiful artwork that has existed in the world, whether architecture or decorative, has been mostly for the sake of religion. Why is that? (It's an open-ended question, something to think about. I'm not saying that it's a good thing or a bad thing...I haven't decided that quite yet. I have to ponder it more. Perhaps it's good because in this sense people have expressed a sense of selflessness, to put other things above themselves. On the other hand, why not treat ourselves? It's important to love yourself too...within reason. But then this could lead to man being too conceited. But why not find a balance then, treating yourself with beauty at times but not all the time? You see? I have no answer to this question yet. But I think I may be leaning towards maybe it's better such beauty is reserved for religion, because man can very easily become vain and lose all sense of standards and morality...and I think if we were all to become that vain it would lead to our ultimate destruction. Sorry for the rant, I do that sometimes.)

Don't these make you smile? They're so colorful and happy!

Then we went to the nursery

Hey...what's a cat doing here?

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